When it comes to succeeding in the real estate game, referrals play a major role. A vital piece of that puzzle is agent-to-agent referrals, and if you aren’t already leveraging this type of referral, now’s the time to do so! Agent-to-agent referrals can open up a world of opportunities for both you and your clients – as well as introduce potential new prospects into your sales pipeline. In this blog post, we’ll unpack why these types of referrals are essential for real estate agents in today’s market – from increased trustworthiness and higher conversion rates to broader networks and beyond. Keep reading to learn more about the advantages of tapping into the awesome power of agent-to-agent referrers!
Why Are Real Estate Referrals Important?
Real estate agents must take a proactive role in pursuing referrals to stay ahead of the competition. It’s important to remember that referral systems are interconnected, and often promote those who have strong reputations – which comes from actively asking for them! Getting in this loop will give you an edge in building relationships with clients while fostering growth within your own network.
Using referrals is a great way to skyrocket your success as a real estate agent. When clients are impressed with the quality of service you deliver, they’re more likely to spread positive reviews and even refer other people who can benefit from working with you. This phenomenon has been referred to in business circles as “word-of-mouth marketing”. However, leveraging these powerful tools takes some effort on your part – it won’t just happen without any input!
Type of referrals
While referrals are often one of the most beneficial means for real estate professionals to grow their network, many clients don’t always come forward with them. That’s why it is important to take initiative and ask your current customers about possible opportunities. However, you may find that a different type of referral – agent-to-agent is offered more frequently by colleagues in the industry as they understand what makes an ideal client match better than anyone else! Referrals can be beneficial – even when it means sending potential clients to a fellow real estate agent.
The process for a good Agent-to-Agent Referral Script
But of course, there is a process to all this. Where does this process start? How can you ask for referrals, and how can scripts help?
Agents often face the difficult task of asking for referrals while ensuring they don’t come off as pushy, desperate, or needy. Crafting an effective referral script can help alleviate this problem by creating a system and providing structure that eliminates any guesswork. The result is less time feeling anxious about how to properly ask for those much-needed client recommendations – allowing agents more confidence in their efforts!
A referral script is an ideal way to take all of the guesswork out of asking for referrals. This sequence of sentences provides an efficient and polished approach, ready to be leveraged with just a bit of memorization – though you’re always welcome to tailor it based on your own preferences! In short: no more stumbling over words or uncertainty when making this critical ask; perfecting the art (and science!) couldn’t be simpler.
What You Need to Know
As a real estate professional, it’s important to make sure you are asking for referrals in the most effective and reputable manner. Crafting your referral script can set the tone for how people perceive your skills – but with so many options to choose from, why settle on one that is ‘just okay’? Take advantage of this opportunity by creating an eloquent yet strategic message that reinforces both of those qualities – then watch as recommendations come rolling in!
Mastering a real estate referral script is key for any successful agent, allowing you to spread your excellent reputation with ease. But the question remains: how do you actually go about asking someone for such an important favor? Fortunately, learning this skill can be just as simple and speedy as mastering that all-important script!
How to Start Asking for Referrals

Knowing when to ask for referrals is key. Take advantage of the celebratory moments – successes, accomplishments and milestones should be celebrated by asking if anyone in your network knows someone who could benefit from similar services! Plus it’s a great way to warm up those referral relationships and nurture them over time.
When you’re at the top of your field as a real estate agent, there’s no better time to ask for referrals. Your credibility alone will encourage others to recommend you – especially if they’ve seen first-hand how great your services are! On the other hand, don’t expect success from asking after something hasn’t gone according to plan; keep things in prime condition and reap rewards with positive word-of-mouth.
What to Know
For real estate agents, referrals are like gold. However, don’t limit your efforts to getting them to just one request – research suggests that it may require five or even 10 asks before you can expect results! Don’t go overboard though: too many requests in a short amount of time could create an impression of being pushy. To stay genuine and authentic when prospecting for leads, make sure not to recycle the same script every single time; mix up approaches so as not to come off sounding scripted and insincere.
With the right tweak of words and phrases, your referral script could be as rejuvenating to agents and clients as a cup of morning coffee. Remember – asking more than once often yields better results! Mastering this system promises to effortlessly bring referrals into your work-life balance like never before.
Big list of Real estate Referrals Scripts
Take your referrals to the next level with an agent-to-agent referral script – a few simple sentences crafted for maximum efficacy. Get on top of asking for those vital endorsements and make it easier than ever before! It’s time to start spreading the word about your professional services!
Here are some places to start as you work on your referral pool:
- Pro tip use Census.gov to see where people are moving to and from to find the best cities to make relationships
- Create a bucket of agents you know by state
- Deliver content and send congratulations

- Most agents’ time is spent looking for new business. I’d rather invest that time in finding a buyer for your home….That’s why I work primarily by referral. If you hear of anyone thinking about doing some real estate business would you send them my way?
- Now that you are shopping for a home you will probably be talking real estate with family and friends – I would love to help anyone you know with their real estate needs. In fact, I primarily work by referral
- Now that we are in escrow you are going to have a ton of jealous friends. I created a link you can share with them that shows off your amazing new home. Listen if anyone in your circle wants to follow your lead and purchase a home let me know I would love to help!
- I would love to be on your short list of people that you send real estate referrals to and I will do the same when I come into contact with someone who can use your services.
- As we start to market your home I will provide links to all the places you can find your home online and on social media. If you can share these links with your friends and family that would be great. Also if anyone in your circle decides to follow your lead I would love to help.
You just got a new listing
Mr. and Mrs. Seller … Thank you so much for your listing; I have two goals while working with you.
First, is to sell your home as quickly as possible for the highest price.
Second, is to give you such great service that you automatically refer me to anyone you know who wants to buy or sell. Sounds good?
Before I let you go, who else do you know now that might need my services?
You just sold a home
As you know, one of the best times to ask for a referral is right after you sold a home. This is because you successfully proved to your client you have the skills and expertise to get their home sold. Now that you sealed the deal, keep the ball rolling by asking for referrals with this script:
Mr. and Mrs. Seller… I am so happy we were able to sell your home.
At this point, ________, my closing coordinator will take over to make sure your sale closes smoothly.
As you know, my business is based on referrals from great clients like you.
You’ve probably been involved in lots of conversations about moving lately.
Before I let you go … who else do you know that may need my services at this time?
A script for leveraging a recent sale you made
“Hi, I’m John from Big Wins Real Estate. Is this the homeowner?”
Wait for their confirmation.
“Just getting in touch because I sold a property down the street from you recently at (recent sale address). It’s a great area with a lot of interest at the moment and the properties are selling for fantastic prices. Out of interest, have you thought about selling your home?”
The script for pitching someone you already know
“Hi [prospect’s name], this is John! We met at [fundraiser, mutual friend’s birthday etc.]. So, how have you been?”
Don’t open with the fact that you’re a real estate agent. Try to build the conversation from your last engagement with the prospect.
“I was just calling you because, as [mutual friend’s name] might have told you, I’m a real estate agent for Big Wins Real Estate. I’m just reaching out to family and friends to see where they’re at with their properties and if they’ve thought about upgrading, downsizing, or selling their home. [Prospect’s name], have you considered a move, considering the market right now?”
The script that gets to the point
“Hi, this is John from Big Wins Real Estate. I’m calling as my agency has some buyers who are interested in buying a home in [prospect’s area]. Can you tell me if you are looking to sell your home either now or in the near future?”
Real Estate Script for Recently Expired Listings
Hi, I’m looking for _______ … Hi _______ … my name is _______ with _______ …
I’m sure you’ve figured out that your home came up on our computer as an expired listing … and I was calling to see …
1. When do you plan on interviewing the right agent for the job of selling your home? (Never) Terrific! / Really!
2. If you sold this home … where would you go next? (LA) That’s exciting!
How soon do you have to be there? (Already) Ouch!
3. ________ … what do you think stopped your home from selling? (The agent) Really!
4. What did that agent do … that you liked best? (Nothing) Ouch!
5. What do you feel they should have done? (Sold my house) Really!
6. What will you expect from the next agent you choose? (Sell my house) Terrific!