Convert More Buyers: Tips From High Producing Agents for a Successful Open House
Open houses can be a great way to show off your listing and attract potential buyers. But if you’re not careful, they can also be a recipe for disaster. Here are some tips to help you make the most of your next open house!
Open houses are an integral part of a realtor’s business. Not only do they create opportunities to network and showcase listings, but open houses also help increase your exposure! So, how do you get them?
- Build relationships with your office – everyone is busy, and the one-time conversation won’t be remembered. The seasoned agents are drawn to the newbies who HUSTLE
- Look on the MLS for properties that are newly Coming Soon, Live, or have had price drops
- Set goals for yourself – how many do you want to do this month??
To have a successful open house it’s important to prepare well for it. It’s helpful to have a go-to plan in place! This is something we can help with, check out our “Open House Services” package! Reach out and we can send you our Open House Toolkit!!
- Choose the area you want to do open houses in – be picky, and know you’re area!
- Be targeted on location, price point, and days on market. Time is important and family is important, you want to be smart so the open house is “worth your time”
- Start on Mondays – if you/your team doesn’t have any listings, then reach out to other people in the office, etc.
- Once you find one, start marketing! Get it on the MLS by Tuesday and start posting, sending mass text messages, etc.
- EXAMPLE TEXT: Hey this is (agent name) w/ (KW) – I’d like to invite you to my open house this weekend! If you or anyone you know is looking/invite your friends, etc.
(group text through an app)
- Have a checklist and pass it along for the sellers to prepare and have expectations for the open house
- Door knock the day before. Double your reach by going to every other house because neighbors talk. // You can also knock before the open house, depending on your time.
- 20 houses might = 6 real estate conversations, even if they don’t come to the open!
- Convo starter: “What do you love about your neighborhood?”
- Do your research about the neighborhood, often times people will come to an open house and say, “Ya know the house that just sold…”
- Make flyers and bring them with you, consider doing a “neighbors only” portion (maybe an hour before the advertised MLS time), and provide something valuable like a QR code for them to find the value of their home. Save time and let us make the flyers for you!

- Signage – put it EVERYWHERE
- Get a large, clever sign that people see when they walk in, add balloons, etc.! (pro tip – keep a helium tank in your office so it’s easy to fill them!)
- Pump yourself up beforehand! Music, motivational speeches, whatever you need to do!
- Arrive early and make it BRIGHT, and comfortable (heat/ac), turn on music or bring your own Bluetooth speakers to have light, happy music playing – this makes people feel like they can have private conversations and come back to you for questions and conversation later.
- Do a walk-through and make sure the house is clean – people are coming in to view the home as your product
- Clipboards and Pens – Don’t ask too many questions, you WANT them to fill it out and you just simply want to connect. Hand them the clipboard and continue talking about the house while they fill it out.
- Ask open-ended questions (just make notes as much as you can) and read body language – sometimes people don’t want to talk to you. If you start with too many questions people might try to avoid you.
- Learn about the house, you need to radiate the energy that you LOVE the home
- Go above and beyond – there are so many agents, how are you going to set yourself apart?
- Provide value!! What are they looking for – home evaluations, do they need a contractor, etc? A reason to confirm their contact info.
- Thank leads the SAME day

Script Example:
Client: Hi, I am just a neighbor checking it out.
Agent: GREAT! Take a look around. You know, we find that when neighbors visit open houses it’s usually to get an idea of what (values are/properties are selling for) in the neighborhood. When is the last time you reviewed your market value with a Real Estate Agent?
**Want more scripts? Ask how to get the full Open House Tool Kit
including all the scripts!!**
- Don’t park in driveways
- Don’t go upstairs or downstairs
- Make sure all doors unlocked
- Set up and stay near the doors