ProFile Transaction Management

Administrative Work

Master the Market of the Moment: Advantages of Short Sales, Foreclosures, and REOs

It happens that 2008 to 2012 was one of those times with a plethora of short sales, foreclosures, and REOs. As a shift in the market occurs after difficult economic times, then Tact #11 of Keller’s SHIFT becomes critical: master the market of the moment. In many markets, whether a financial depression or buyers being […]

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Expand the Options with Creative Financing

Ultimately, realtors rely on the lender to advise buyers about their financing options. Yet, it is equally beneficial as a realtor to be knowledgeable about current creative financing solutions. Using Tactic #10 from SHIFT (Keller), realtors can guide their clients to ask their lender for creative financing options to purchase their preferred home. Gaining Financing

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Stand Out from the Competition – Seller Staging Strategies

There are significant benefits to seller staging, particularly in getting a house sold in a strong market. It is particularly important in larger cities and metropolitan areas, being nonnegotiable in many areas. Overall, staging enhances your reputation as an agent, providing good looking homes that are easier to sell and sell at higher prices in

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