ProFile Transaction Management

How to Stay Safe at an Open House or on Showings

Prepare in Advance

Familiarize yourself with the property layout before the open house. Identify all exits, and make sure you can unlock and open doors and windows easily. This knowledge can be crucial in an emergency. Arrange showings during daylight hours whenever possible. If evening showings are necessary, ensure the property is well-lit both inside and out. Always inform your office, a colleague, or a trusted friend of your schedule. Provide them with the property address, the time of the showing, and the names of the clients you will be meeting.

Screen Your Clients

Before meeting new clients, verify their identity. Request to see their ID and take note of their vehicle’s make, model, and license plate number. This simple step can deter individuals with bad intentions. At open houses, have a sign-in sheet for all visitors. Request their full name, phone number, and email address. While this is primarily for follow-up purposes, it also serves as a security measure.

Stay Aware and Alert

If something feels off about a situation or a client, trust your instincts. Do not hesitate to cancel or reschedule the showing if you feel unsafe. Always drive your own car to the property, and avoid offering rides to clients. This ensures you have control over your transportation and can leave if necessary. When showing a property, allow clients to enter rooms ahead of you. This position keeps you closer to the exit, allowing for a quicker escape if needed.

Utilize Technology

Several safety apps are designed specifically for real estate agents. Apps like SafeShowings, Real Safe Agent, and Forewarn can help you verify client identities and alert emergency contacts if you feel threatened. Always have your phone charged and on you. Save emergency contacts, including local police, on speed dial for quick access.

Implement Security Measures

Whenever possible, conduct open houses or showings with a colleague. There’s safety in numbers, and having another person with you can deter potential threats. Consider carrying a self-defense tool, such as pepper spray or a personal alarm. Ensure you know how to use these tools effectively and legally. Instruct homeowners to secure valuables, personal information, and any dangerous items like firearms. This protects their property and prevents potential incidents during the showing.

Educate and Train

Participate in self-defense classes and safety training specifically tailored for real estate professionals. Many local associations offer such programs, providing you with practical skills and knowledge. Stay updated with the latest safety protocols and recommendations. Regularly review and revise your safety practices to ensure they are effective and current.

Your safety is non-negotiable. By implementing these strategies, you can minimize risks and create a safer environment for yourself and your clients. Remember, being prepared and vigilant is the best defense against potential threats. Stay safe and smart on your next open house or showing!