4/18: TC services closed, Offer Team available 11a-7p CST
4/20: All services closed
5/11: All services closed
5/26: TC services closed, Offer Team available 11a-7p CST
6/15: All services closed
6/19: TC services closed, Offer Team available 11a-7p CST
7/4: All services closed
9/1: All services closed
11/27: All services closed
11/28: All services closed
12/24: All services closed
12/25: All services closed
12/26: TC services closed, Offer Team available 11a-7p CST
12/31: All services closed
1/1: All services closed
How are these dates determined? If a holiday falls on a day the company does not operate, we will observe the holiday on the closest business day. For example, if the holiday falls on a Saturday, we will observe the holiday on the Friday before the holiday; if it falls on a Sunday, we will observe the holiday on the Monday after the holiday.